Integrated Meeting Management
versaIMM Integrated Meeting Management
versaIMM provides a single Enterprise Level point of contact for access to Meeting and Committee related information.
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versaIMM consists of four Core Modules, which cover the following areas of management:
  • Briefings
  • Meeting Schedule
  • Decisions
  • Report Preparation Schedule, Review and Approval
Based on the Microsoft .NET Framework and delivered through the web browser, the system enables personnel the ability to use a solution which is live, eliminates labor intensive manual processing, utilises user security based authority and assignment, and reports effectively on outcomes. This architecture methodology allows businesses to implement the solution and make it available to their entire workforce, whether they exist in a single operation or across the globe.
Business Benefits
  • Increase Efficiency
  • Reduce Manual Processing
  • Shorten Completion Time Cycles
  • Streamline
  • Collaborate

Typically, companies and organizations in preparation for meetings, hold briefings with reports being developed for inclusion in the meeting agendas. The outcomes of these meetings may result in further actions being required.

These reporting requirements, together with associated outcomes or actions, are usually stored in multiple disparate Office documents and databases that have evolved over time. Reporting on and communicating the status of this information for meetings is often ad-hoc, inefficient and often time consuming, taking up considerable person hours to effectively conduct the process.

versaIMM can greatly assist companies and organizations by allowing for the complete management of the processes involved with bringing actions and items to meetings, providing comprehensive recording, notification, personnel sign-off, reporting, workflow management and communication capabilities for all members of personnel involved in the process.


This module contains the briefing schedule, and is used to book sessions within the overall allocated time allowed for each briefing.
For each briefing session, a presenter, division, department or business unit, a session title and description, and the reasons for holding the session can be easily and efficiently assigned. Against the briefing businesses can also track attendees and attach any related documentation (eg. presentation materials) for reference.


This module contains the meeting schedule, and is used to track the requirements for each meeting (eg. reports, agendas), and the outcomes from each meeting (eg. decisions made, minutes).


This module contains decisions that are made at Council and Committee meetings, and is used to record the details of each decision, the accountable officer, which division and business unit is responsible for actioning it (if applicable) and by when, what reviews are required (eg. executive, financial, confidentiality), progress and status updates.


This module contains the reports that are required to go to Meetings or Committees, and is used to record the details of each report (including attachment of the final draft), the report author and which division, department or business unit is responsible for providing it, the meeting the report is due to be tabled at, and any consultation notes and references used in developing the report.
It also manages the review and sign-off of each report. This is achieved via an on-line workflow approval process that emails each person in the approval process when their step is due for action.


One of the major benefits of this system is the integration between these modules. For example, when looking up a report you can simply click on the meeting the report was tabled at to view associated details (eg. agenda / minutes), or click on the decision that was made as a result of the report to see what action is being taken. This can all be done without going in and out of the different modules.


One of the major benefits of this system is the integration between these modules. For example, when looking up a report you can simply click on the meeting the report was tabled at to view associated details (eg. agenda / minutes), or click on the decision that was made as a result of the report to see what action is being taken. This can all be done without going in and out of the different modules.

versaIMM has repeatedly proven its value within local government, being used to efficiently manage and record their meeting management processes effectively.
Key Advantages
  • Significantly reduces the time required to manage processes involved in bringing items/issues to meetings.
  • Reduces the Administration overhead by allowing users the ability to Self-Service by creating and processing their own required components during the process.
  • Timely, self-service of detailed Reports and management components.
  • Quick time to deploy and update due to thin-client architecture.
  • Ability to be used globally - allowing multiple site users in different offices or countries to concurrently process their information.
  • Accuracy improvements with reduction in errors.
  • Microsoft Windows Server
  • Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)
  • Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0
  • Microsoft SQL Server
Hosting Requirements

SaaS or On Premise? Both are possible. It's your choice. When your company purchases versaIMM we provide a .Net DLL and a SQL Server database structure. Your company is responsible for providing the hosting server(s). Minimum hosting requirements are listed here.

Client Requirements

versaIMM is an Enterprise solution which means it can scale to the size of your business. You don't however have to be an enterprise level organisation to take advantage of the features of our product.

  • Web browsers: IE, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari
  • Pop-Up Blocking Software Disabled or App Added to Allowable Site List
  • Java Script enabled
  • Cookies enabled
  • Screen resolution 1024 x 768 (min)